
Invoke Archangel Michael

Invoke Archangel Michael

Light a candle and request Archangel Michaels presence.

Sit with his energy and have a conversation with him in your mind.

You may ask for his guidance, protection and assistance.

Clear your mind and allow him to connect with you.

Pay attention to anything you may hear, visualize or sense energetically.

Thank him for his assistance and allow his blessings to manifest.

Law of Attraction - Client Q & A

𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗤𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:

I need to ask your opinion on the Law of Attraction. It's hard for me to believe it works the way they say- for example, per Abraham Hicks. According to the Law, you manifest exactly the frequency you put out.

But, I can't help but feel it's more random than that. Obviously, the more positive a person you are, the more likelihood of positive things happening to you. As well, if you are a negative person, you will likely have negative things happen to you. BUT, I also know that negative things happen to positive people, and positive things happen to negative people as well.

For example, let's pick love. You need to act as if you already have it(feel that happiness) to receive it, and conversely, if you put out the frequency of "lack of having love", you won't receive it. Well, I remember times in my life where I(as well as some friends) have put out that negative frequency of lack, and still found love. That was when I was younger and more foolish, but still, I found love. And then there have been times of being older and wiser and trying to do the frequency of abundance in love, and not finding it. There are other examples I can think of but that's just one.

I can't help but feel it's a matter of you need to stay as positive as possible, but you get what you get. You simply need to make the best of your situation. Thoughts?...


The law of attraction can work for you but it's not a guaranteed thing for everyone, in every situation, every time. There are gray areas in life and there is no one thing that will lead to successful manifestation. It is a combination of your effort, your attitude and chance. Sometimes in life, you can be doing all the right things and what you're looking for doesn't show up. It's important to learn lessons along the way and focus your energy on creating what it is you desire.

You mentioned love as an example. If you are putting out all the right vibes and you are not finding a relationship. Perhaps, it's not the right time in your life to be focusing on a relationship. Maybe, it would be wise to focus on something else simultaneously or entirely. Self-empowerment, meditation, career goals, hobbies etc... Or perhaps, there is a missed ingredient. Your putting out all these positive vibes, creating vision boards, reciting affirmations and imagining your perfect partner but you are timid, shy, refuse to step out of your comfort zone and don't get out much; therefore blocking yourself from meeting your partner. Maybe, your expecting "Romeo/Juliette" to have certain characteristics and you are seeking perfection, so you don't realize when someone that is perfect for you enters your world because you already have fixated expectations of what he/she should be so you aren't open to exploring other options.

There are limitless reasons as to why one may not be manifesting what they desire. What's important is mindfulness and finding Gratitude for what you do have in the moment and allowing what you have to be sufficient for you in this moment by finding joy in it.

Focusing on what you are grateful for in the now, can be more powerful than focusing on what you want in the future, it can help you to stay out of an anxiety mindset (constantly worrying about what your doing wrong and why you haven't received what you've been wishing for). Mindfulness is key.

Life is all about balance. I always suggest living in the moment as change is a constant and it is always guaranteed. So, enjoy what you have now and you will live a more fulfilled life no matter your circumstances.

I hope this helps you love.

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Artist Credit:


Kundalini Rising - Yoga for Wellness

My guides have been pushing me towards yoga for sometime, and I have been brushing them off with excuses about how tired or busy I am. However, I finally felt the urge to pull out my dusty purple mat and embrace the lotus. I am very grateful for the push because I have now come to realize that I lack flexibility in the majority of my body. The stiffness that has accumulated from stress is astonishing and very noticeable as I attempt the simplest of poses and stretches. So each night, I plan on dedicating 30-60 minutes to my body.

Yoga is a form of Meditation and as I flow through each pose I can sense spirit with me. Not only do I feel the energy rising throughout my body (kundalini), I also have visions of goddesses in my minds eye. It's actually pretty fun because I'm never alone and my guides do yoga with me. I have sensed my father giggling as I struggle to figure out a pose, my best friend encouraging me from the sidelines like a flexible cheerleader from heaven (she was quite gifted with the splits and headstands). I also see ghosts running about the room doing odd shit, so it keeps me entertained through my current struggle.

I pray to have the courage and stamina to stay on track with this practice and I hope that some of you will be inspired to embark upon this journey with me.

Angel Number: 28

Blessings and love,

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Artist Credit: Glass Fractals


Immortalize Your Loved Ones

Immortalize Your Loved Ones

Hold your loved ones close and appreciate every moment you have together. It's important to remember that those moments are precious. Life is fragile and it can be taken away without notice but our energy never dies it is eternal as is or love for our family. All love withstands the transition of death. Continue to speak to your loved ones even after they have crossed over and you will feel their presence.

Mediumship - Connecting with Victims of Suicide

Mediumship - Connecting with Victims of Suicide

It is an honor that humbles my soul to be allowed the opportunity to speak with those who have crossed over. I have found that victims of suicide are very drawn to my energy. They seem to seek me out to deliver messages to their loved ones for I myself have felt the darkness of this world and have tempted my own fate a time or three. It is when we have delved deep into our own shadows that we are capable of finding the light during the darkest of knights. I will never tell you your loved one is lost for that has never been my experience when speaking with the dead. I can only tell you that there is a great peace to experience on the other side and that the work of the soul does not end when the heart ceases to beat. I stand with those victims of life who could not withstand another breath for the absurdity of this world proved to much for their souls to bear.

Heal and Identify Your Trauma - Spiritual Awakening

Heal and Identify Your Trauma - Spiritual Awakening

Trust in the support of your Guides, Angels & Ancestors for they are always with you. There may be periods of time when you question their presence. You may feel weary, burdened, overwhelmed and alone. It is in these moments that you must push yourself even harder to open up to their love. You do this by softening your heart. Say a prayer, do a meditation, snuggle and hug yourself and whisper quality affirmations to yourself within your mind to break down the barriers and blocks that keep you stuck in fear. Your never alone but you must also strive for the connection that you seek by loving yourself and peeling back the layers you have created to guard your heart from trauma.

Shadow Worker vs Lightworker - Divisiveness in the Spiritual Community

Shadow Worker vs Lightworker - Divisiveness in the Spiritual Community

I have noticed a lot of divisiveness within the Spiritual Community and it's not surprising as all communities share diversity of opinion but it has been notable to me so I will speak on it.

Some want to call themselves "Lightworkers" some want to call themselves "Shadowworkers" some "Lighthouses" etc... whatever label you desire to call yourself remember that we are all human at the end of the day and it is not these labels that define us; rather our actions.

The Universe is Teaching You Lessons - Pay Attention

The Universe is Teaching You Lessons - Pay Attention

Be aware of the tests and distractions on your path to ensure you don't veer off course from what your heart truly desires.

If you do veer off course cherish the lesson and grow from it.

Angel Number: 43

Psychic Amanda Marquez



Are you interested in opening your 3rd eye? 
Would you like a stronger connection to spirit & your guides?
Do you sense that you have psychic capabilities?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions than consider the following process that worked for me. This process is also known as decalcifying the pineal gland. 

Do the following for 7 Days (or longer if you can)

1. Eat a cleansing diet of whole foods; mainly fruits, vegetables, nuts & legumes. You can choose to eat these raw, slightly steamed, in smoothies etc... Take in the essence of these pure foods as they store sacred knowledge & energy from Gaia. Stay away from processed or genetically modified foods.Think organic, yes it may cost more but you are worth it. Your body is your temple after all.

2. Drink plenty of alkaline water or distilled water. You want your pee to be as clear as possible. This is a sign that toxins have left your system.

3. Set a clear intention for yourself to become spiritually enlightened and connected to your spirit guides, the ascended masters, and the Archangels. You can do this by meditating daily with these intentions in mind and by repeating mantras to yourself throughout the course of the day. 

4. Do not consume any alcohol, tobacco or chemicals as this process is meant to detoxify your body and clear your mind and spirit. 

5. Spend as much time outdoors as possible preferably while doing your meditations. Take a day trip or several and enjoy the natural elements that surround you.

6. Show gratitude before, during and after meditation.

7. It is also wise to switch to a non-flouride toothpaste as flouride is a known neurotoxin that reeks havoc on the pineal gland causing it to calcify. 

8. Keep a journal of your journey so that you can reflect on any insights and/ or experiences you have during this process.

Do this for at least 7 days and watch as that beautiful Third Eye awakens!  Happy journeying and good luck! 

If you have any additional advice, experiences, or stories pertaining to opening the third eye please feel free to comment below. 

Namaste 💖