
Fertility Ritual and Spell with Candle Magic

Sit back and flow with the energy as we cast a fertility spell together. This spell was infused with the intentions of fertility, prosperity, family blessings, protection and abundance. The instructions for recreating the spell are included at the end of the video. All of the ingredients were hand selected for their unique properties in order to intensify the magic.

Disclaimer: This spell does not promise results for the user.

Invoke Archangel Michael

Invoke Archangel Michael

Light a candle and request Archangel Michaels presence.

Sit with his energy and have a conversation with him in your mind.

You may ask for his guidance, protection and assistance.

Clear your mind and allow him to connect with you.

Pay attention to anything you may hear, visualize or sense energetically.

Thank him for his assistance and allow his blessings to manifest.