Fertility Ritual and Spell with Candle Magic

Sit back and flow with the energy as we cast a fertility spell together. This spell was infused with the intentions of fertility, prosperity, family blessings, protection and abundance. The instructions for recreating the spell are included at the end of the video. All of the ingredients were hand selected for their unique properties in order to intensify the magic.

Disclaimer: This spell does not promise results for the user.

Invoke Archangel Michael

Invoke Archangel Michael

Light a candle and request Archangel Michaels presence.

Sit with his energy and have a conversation with him in your mind.

You may ask for his guidance, protection and assistance.

Clear your mind and allow him to connect with you.

Pay attention to anything you may hear, visualize or sense energetically.

Thank him for his assistance and allow his blessings to manifest.

DIY Intention Candles & Ostara Ritual

DIY Ostara Candles & Ritual

When creating this intention candle be sure to listen to some relaxing music: lofi, solfeggio frequencies or something that creates a happy and uplifting environment while you work. The ambiance is important as you are filling this candle with intentions throughout the creation process. So fill it with love and recite affirmations as you create, so that when it burns it will release those intentions to your Spirit Guides/Goddess/Universe.

1) Gather roses in your favorite colors. Remove petals and press them in between two sheets of parchment paper and enclose in a book. Stack extra books on top to add weight and reduce your pressing time.

2) Check petals over the next 1-2 days. They will be ready when they are completely flat. Do not allow them to fully dry out or you will not be able to work with them.

3) Clean the surface of an all white prayer candle and grab your mod podge. You can add glitter into your mod podge to accentuate the color of your rose petals and add some sparkle.

4) Apply mod podge to the surface of the glass and smooth rose petals onto the glass. Repeat process until the candle is completely covered in petals.

5) Coat candle in an extra layer of mod podge to seal and allow to dry for 1-2 days.

6) When you are ready to light your candle(s) give yourself some time to sit with the energy. Enter into meditation or take a soothing bath with pink himalayan bath salts. You can even add your crystals to the bath water to infuse them with this energy and cleanse them.

You can create your own ritual with your candle as well. Create an alter and add offerings such as plants, seeds for sewing, crystals, salt, herbs, food etc... Write out wishes or intentions on paper and place under the candle while it burns. Spread out tarot or oracle cards on your alter to give yourself an inspiring reading. Have fun with your ritual and watch as the blessings pour in.

Law of Attraction - Client Q & A

𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗤𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:

I need to ask your opinion on the Law of Attraction. It's hard for me to believe it works the way they say- for example, per Abraham Hicks. According to the Law, you manifest exactly the frequency you put out.

But, I can't help but feel it's more random than that. Obviously, the more positive a person you are, the more likelihood of positive things happening to you. As well, if you are a negative person, you will likely have negative things happen to you. BUT, I also know that negative things happen to positive people, and positive things happen to negative people as well.

For example, let's pick love. You need to act as if you already have it(feel that happiness) to receive it, and conversely, if you put out the frequency of "lack of having love", you won't receive it. Well, I remember times in my life where I(as well as some friends) have put out that negative frequency of lack, and still found love. That was when I was younger and more foolish, but still, I found love. And then there have been times of being older and wiser and trying to do the frequency of abundance in love, and not finding it. There are other examples I can think of but that's just one.

I can't help but feel it's a matter of you need to stay as positive as possible, but you get what you get. You simply need to make the best of your situation. Thoughts?...


The law of attraction can work for you but it's not a guaranteed thing for everyone, in every situation, every time. There are gray areas in life and there is no one thing that will lead to successful manifestation. It is a combination of your effort, your attitude and chance. Sometimes in life, you can be doing all the right things and what you're looking for doesn't show up. It's important to learn lessons along the way and focus your energy on creating what it is you desire.

You mentioned love as an example. If you are putting out all the right vibes and you are not finding a relationship. Perhaps, it's not the right time in your life to be focusing on a relationship. Maybe, it would be wise to focus on something else simultaneously or entirely. Self-empowerment, meditation, career goals, hobbies etc... Or perhaps, there is a missed ingredient. Your putting out all these positive vibes, creating vision boards, reciting affirmations and imagining your perfect partner but you are timid, shy, refuse to step out of your comfort zone and don't get out much; therefore blocking yourself from meeting your partner. Maybe, your expecting "Romeo/Juliette" to have certain characteristics and you are seeking perfection, so you don't realize when someone that is perfect for you enters your world because you already have fixated expectations of what he/she should be so you aren't open to exploring other options.

There are limitless reasons as to why one may not be manifesting what they desire. What's important is mindfulness and finding Gratitude for what you do have in the moment and allowing what you have to be sufficient for you in this moment by finding joy in it.

Focusing on what you are grateful for in the now, can be more powerful than focusing on what you want in the future, it can help you to stay out of an anxiety mindset (constantly worrying about what your doing wrong and why you haven't received what you've been wishing for). Mindfulness is key.

Life is all about balance. I always suggest living in the moment as change is a constant and it is always guaranteed. So, enjoy what you have now and you will live a more fulfilled life no matter your circumstances.

I hope this helps you love.

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Artist Credit:


Kundalini Rising - Yoga for Wellness

My guides have been pushing me towards yoga for sometime, and I have been brushing them off with excuses about how tired or busy I am. However, I finally felt the urge to pull out my dusty purple mat and embrace the lotus. I am very grateful for the push because I have now come to realize that I lack flexibility in the majority of my body. The stiffness that has accumulated from stress is astonishing and very noticeable as I attempt the simplest of poses and stretches. So each night, I plan on dedicating 30-60 minutes to my body.

Yoga is a form of Meditation and as I flow through each pose I can sense spirit with me. Not only do I feel the energy rising throughout my body (kundalini), I also have visions of goddesses in my minds eye. It's actually pretty fun because I'm never alone and my guides do yoga with me. I have sensed my father giggling as I struggle to figure out a pose, my best friend encouraging me from the sidelines like a flexible cheerleader from heaven (she was quite gifted with the splits and headstands). I also see ghosts running about the room doing odd shit, so it keeps me entertained through my current struggle.

I pray to have the courage and stamina to stay on track with this practice and I hope that some of you will be inspired to embark upon this journey with me.

Angel Number: 28

Blessings and love,

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Artist Credit: Glass Fractals


Miraculous Blessings - I believe in Miracles

My Guides, Angels and Ancestors truly have my back and today they proved it, yet again. They are the driving force behind miracles in my life and I am so grateful for their support. They make the seemingly impossible, possible. Like God working through Moses, the waves of the Dead Sea part as they clear a path for me. I cry as I write this, gratitude filling my heart.

Never underestimate the power of your loved ones on the other side. They can and will work magic in your life. Trust and allow them to guide you.

My heart is full and I am truly inspired.

Blessings & Miracles to you all!

Angel Number: 5589

Psychic Amanda Marquez


👻🌮 Spirit Tacos 🌮👻

My father used to make the worlds greatest tacos. His legendary deep fried, melty cheesy beef tacos in a corn tortilla would make your mouth salivate and your taste buds pop. Crispity, crunchity, goodness for your soul, is what those tacos are!

Tacos of course are one of the symbols my father shows me from the spirit realm to let me know he's around. Sometimes, he takes his messages a bit far.


I was praying to the Virgin Mary, as I do, prior to every reading; on behalf of my client. As I was praying, my father interjected mid prayer with visions of fresh, mouthwatering tacos. I tried to keep a straight face throughout my prayer and focus but all I could see was tacos dripping with cheesy, goodness. I could hear the snap of the crisp taco shell and I could smell taco seasoning on my prayer clasped hands.

The reading I was about to do was for a family who had just lost their father. My dad was showing up during my prayer to assure me that he would bring forward this mans energy in the way only he knows how with love and humor. It was a great Mediumship reading that touched the hearts of the clients.

Thanks Dad!

Now, I am gonna eat me some tacos!!!

Angel Number: 555

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Artist Credit:


Rose Water Blessing

Today, we create a sacred potion derived from the petals of holy roses. The petals are prayed over by our family and left to sit overnight on the alter of our ancestors. They were infused with love prior to entering the simmer pot. We strained the rose water and added golden glitter dust as we chanted a spell to eradicate fear and bring forward joy for the recipients of it's magic. Tonight, the water will be surrounded by the energy of the Holy Mother and The Sacred Heart of Jesus. The blessed water will be fortified by the prayers recited with each glowing prayer candle.

Rose Water Blessings to you all.

Angel Number: 598

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Butterfly Tears - Nurture Your Inner Child

Take the time to nurture your inner child. Life is full of serious moments and it is up to you to allow yourself time to play. Break out a DIY art kit, plant some flowers & veggies for spring, or dance your heart out to your favorite 80's tune. It's important to let yourself have these precious moments where stress can not touch you. These moments bring you back into alignment with source energy and increase your manifestation skills.

Heading out to enjoy a pizza night with the fam.

Blessings to you all.

Angel Number: 7

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Artist Credit: Camilla Derrico


Choose Your Focus

Make the most of your situation. Life is chock full of moments that range from super amazing to mortifying. It's our reactions and our self discipline that will help us through the moments of hell fire. When you find yourself dwelling on the what if's and you don't have clarity take the time to focus on something you can control. Focus on your body, your breath, cleansing your home, loving others/self and uplift your environment through conscious action.

Time will reveal all but in this moment choose happiness and be determined enough to overcome any obstacle that life throws at you.

Miracles & Roses

Angel Number: 32

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Artist Unknown