psychic teachings

Shadow Worker vs Lightworker - Divisiveness in the Spiritual Community

Shadow Worker vs Lightworker - Divisiveness in the Spiritual Community

I have noticed a lot of divisiveness within the Spiritual Community and it's not surprising as all communities share diversity of opinion but it has been notable to me so I will speak on it.

Some want to call themselves "Lightworkers" some want to call themselves "Shadowworkers" some "Lighthouses" etc... whatever label you desire to call yourself remember that we are all human at the end of the day and it is not these labels that define us; rather our actions.

The Universe is Teaching You Lessons - Pay Attention

The Universe is Teaching You Lessons - Pay Attention

Be aware of the tests and distractions on your path to ensure you don't veer off course from what your heart truly desires.

If you do veer off course cherish the lesson and grow from it.

Angel Number: 43

Psychic Amanda Marquez