Spiritual Connection

How do I find out who my Guardian Angel is?

If you're interested in learning who your Angel (s) are spend time in communication with them. Do Archangel Meditations to become familiar with each Angels specific energy. As you dedicate yourself to connection you will begin to receive multiple signs that may appear as symbols, colors, sounds or apparitions. For each individual this journey of Angelic discovery is unique but if you truly want to know you will put forward the effort to receive the information. The Angels will reward you with this knowledge when you show consistent dedication. Other times individuals simply know which Angel they resonate with and choose them as a companion on this journey of life.

You can tap into the energy of any Archangel by setting an intention to connect with them. You can also create symbols for each one, a color for example can differentiate one Archangel over another. The best way in my opinion is to meditate with them nightly. Get to know their energy and as you become familiar with the energy of each you will know which Angel shows up as the most prominent in your life.

Sometimes we receive signs as we go through our Spiritual Awakening that lead us to the discovery of our Angels. For instance I had no idea who Archangel Metatron was but I kept hearing random Bible verses in my head that led me to the discovery of the Book of Enoch. Over time, I would feel his presence with me and I became overly familiar with his energy. Also, I hear my Angels telepathically so the word Metatron will reverberate through my mind on occasion when he wants me to know he is near. On other occasions I will see a huge sword that emanates the color blue when Archangel Michael wants to reassure me that I am protected. Sometimes I hear gentle music in the background and I search my home for a source to no avail and I know that Archangel Sandolphon is near. The more you invest in them the more you will understand their energies.

There are many different ways to become acquainted. Set your intention and allow your unique journey into the Angelic Realm to unfold as it is meant to specifically for you.

You are loved beyond measure. 💛

Angel Number: 57

Psychic Amanda Marquez

August 31, 2020


Artist Credit: Mario Wibisono
